Nobody is interested in the Duo! Wrong! My best performing content onYouTube, Reddit and in articles are Surface Duo related!

Dual Screen Tobbo
2 min readJul 1, 2021

I know, the Microsoft Surface Duo is a niche device. It’s a technology sample which will grow up after time, and hopefully iterations of the device itself.

The Duo has neither a significant market share and to be honest, it seems it is nor a money-seller for Microsoft itself.

But all this negativity does not mean that nobody is interested in the Surface Duo! Most of my top performing content (yes, the numbers are low but I’m hyped about each view) on YouTube, Reddit or in my writings for Dr. Windows is related to the Microsoft Surface Duo.

Best YouTube Video
Praxistest: Surface Duo und das Erstellen von YouTube Videos | Geht das? Wie ist die Kamera?

Best Reddit post
Using the Duo on a hiking trip ❤️

Best article (series)
#rTsd — Road To Surface Duo, the developer diary

Besides this content creating aspect, I found a lot of great folks on Twitter who are heavily interest in the UI / UX principals of this new device class.

Do you have any tip?
Do you have any tips for great Surface Duo content? Let me know, maybe we can all together accumulate a list of awesome Surface Duo content.



Dual Screen Tobbo

Software Engineer, Community enthusiast, Content Creation Beginner, from Bavaria