I published over a dozen articles covering the development for the Surface Duo — let’s write some more!

Dual Screen Tobbo
3 min readJul 19, 2021

It’s been a long time since I started writing about my adventures in developing for the Microsoft Surface Duo. Now, there are over a dozen, more than twelve, articles published on Dr. Windows — one of the largest German speaking Microsoft news site and community.

#rTsd — Road To Surface Duo

All posts of the main series are prefixed with “#rTsd — Road to Surface Duo, das Entwicklertagebuch” which translates to “#rTsd — the developer’s dairy”. The title speaks for itself. Each article covers a particular “lifetime event” of mobile software development. It started almost two years ago in late 2019 with some brainstorming about the idea and early UI concepts. Now, after twelve episodes the app is still not meant for production but is looks quite nice (in my eyes), it performs mostly as it should be and the most important fact: It still makes fun to develop, refactor and update the app.

List of the first twelve articles of mine on Dr. Windows:

It would be not possible without community

I must thank the official Microsoft Technet forum for all the support especially in the beginning of the Surface Duo SDK where not everything went that great in a developer’s eye.

Of course, C# and Xamarin.Forms are not my main tech stack — I’m still a fulltime Swift software engineer. Awesome Stack Overflow community members helped me out not just once.

This all shows us, that active communities are the bread and butter of each platform and techstack. That’s why I keep pushing the Surface Duo and its unique features further and further.

Everybody is invited to help me to improve this app further. All development is visible and open sourced on GitHub.

Let’s do it together and have fun in exploring the world of dual screen devices!



Dual Screen Tobbo

Software Engineer, Community enthusiast, Content Creation Beginner, from Bavaria